Step into my Wild Ready for an adventure? Take a dive into my world of photography from my native Manitoba to exotic locations around the globe, like Borneo, Costa Rica, and the Philippines. elaine_gaudet_photography Fishing - Matheson Island style! As the October nights get colder, my thoughts turn October views. #farmlife #farmlifebestlife #manit Aurora from Rock Lake. #aurora #auroraborealis #no Prairie Storms. Incredible skies followed by rain The rain has me editing images from early in the y Fishin' in the rain. Another one of my favourite spring arrivals is thi Warrior Face. The mating season for the Sharp-tail I love spring. But, the change of the season means Sometimes even the view from behind is spectacular Love is in the air. #lynx #lynxcat #lynxofinstagr Load More Follow on Instagram melbet казино